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Written on our Hearts

( NOTE: This blog post was written on 030318. I wasn't able to upload it here on my space not until today. I'm not writing this NOT to ridicule anyone but this blog would somewhat like a confession of me from being that kind of Christian girl. Well, I'm not saying that I'm a perfect Christian right now because no one's perfect except HIM. It's just that I just want to share a tiny bit of me and I do hope that I can inspire someone because of this and be a blessing to him/her. :) )

I'm just done reading the book Our Daily Bread for my daily meditation reading and today's reading, March 03, 2018 is about the said title for this devotional words of appreciation, motivation, inspiration and blessing to my heart. It talks about how the writer of the book really do appreciate and filled with joy when he/she saw the neighborhood being filled with God's love and how they show it to the whole world that those establishments, products and everything are from GOD and GOD blesses them with it. But having those religious inscriptions are not a reliable indication of a person's love to GOD as what the writer says. Well that's true, I really do agree with the writer.

Posting bible verses in the social media, pictures from church and the such are really not a basis for us to know that we really let GOD resides in our heart. We can go to church every Sunday service or those specific days for a Praise and Worship night, bible studies, etc, we can be able to join feeding programs, crusades, youth camps and conferences or join a certain ministry in the church. We can do these things, but the question here is, are we doing it for God's glory or we are just doing these for people to recognize us being follower of JESUS?

I don't want to be a hypocrite here but I myself gone through those days that I do post religious stuffs or join religious activities to publicly know that I'm a Christian believer and really do loves HIM but my motive then was not right, really unacceptable and a pretentious act of being a worldly fellow who really wants everyone to notice what I can do. During those times, I really admit that I want a share of the limelight, being noticeable and being a good Christian to their eyes which was not GOD wants from me. HE wants a TRUE BELIEVER AND WORSHIPER; not a Christian by name but a Christian by heart, soul and spirit. HE wants a pure motive from all of us and that is for us to serve and worship HIM alone with a pure heart. The intense desire, the burning fire inside of you, the hunger and thirst that we feel to be in HIS presence; that what GOD wants from you not the worldly desire of your flesh and corrupted mind.

We must have that CHRIST-like character that everything HE do in public, either preaching, showing great miracles and that costly sacrifice that JESUS CHRIST did at the cross to make reality of those things that God already plan at the very beginning and to glorify HIM. Yes, we are sinners! We can still make mistakes up until now whether we already know the truth or still blinded by it. But it doesn't change the fact that if we just confess and ask for forgiveness to HIM, HE will not just forgive us but also make us a lot better compared to yesterday's you. HE will change us to the man/woman that HE desire for you to be. So we must put HIM in the center of our lives and inside our hearts. His Words must be written in our hearts. Cause as what the author said, " It's not the words on the outside that count but the truth we carry on the inside that reveals our desire to be changed by GOD.

I am Mikee Bergosa. 

I write not just to express what I think and feel but I write to glorify my One Great GOD

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