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My True Love

I was in a dark room full of chaos

Ended up here because I'm so lost

Teardrops falling from my weary eyes

Are almost dried up and so am I.

Bitterness and hatred rule over in my heart

'Cause I'm still blind to see You inside my stubborn heart

But suddenly, You came up and gave me light

Like a lamp that shines so bright.

From that moment, i began to cry again

But You wipe my tears and take away all the pain

You said that You love me forever

That's why you're with me and leaves me never.

I then realized how much Your worth

I really need You here, oh LORD

Thank You for always being here with me

And for your unconditional love that captives me.

You love me more than I do

That's why You chose me to be with You

You really are an awesome lover

My TRUE LOVE forever.

I am Mikee Bergosa. 

I write not just to express what I think and feel but I write to glorify my One Great GOD

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