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The storm within her

You may see her as a dazzling ray of sunshine, a bright and sparkling star in the middle of the night or maybe a colorful rainbow after every rain. But let me tell you the story behind those happy smiles and contagious laugh she always shows to everyone of us.

Behind those smiles are the deep longing of attention and love whom she thought of that was never given to her a hundred percent at all. Behind those laughs are the agonies of life where she suffered a lot of stress and depression thinking that she will never be enough to fulfill all the expectations of life and carrying those burdens inside of her.

She’s a deep ocean to dive in. The storm within her is not that easy for her to deal with. She needs someone who will reach out their hands and grab her from that storm she’s in. She needs someone who will save her from drowning from loneliness and bitterness of life. She may be a bomb of happiness at the outside but the the storm within her will always destruct her from the inside,

Please do save her. Please.

I am Mikee Bergosa. 

I write not just to express what I think and feel but I write to glorify my One Great GOD

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